Friday, October 17, 2014


Friday, October 17

IQP is officially over. What an experience this has been! Not only did we get the incredible opportunity to work at the New England Aquarium, but we got to deal what it is truly like being on a full time project team. The last week of the term was really a struggle. Between submitting the final report last Friday, preparing for Tuesday's presentation on Monday while fixing our deliverable, going into Boston on Tuesday for our presentation, and then pulling an all-nighter Wednesday to Thursday to address over 600 comments on our report, we are completely burnt out. I wish we had one more day of editing to really polish up the report, I was really itching to fix simple errors while looking over the report today. Looking at the overall report, the parts that really matter are the deliverables. Our framework and content tables will hopefully allow the NEAq to move forward to create this video game. I am hoping to keep in contact with the NEAq so I can play the right whale video game in the future.

Taking a step away from the project, I am amazed at how far our group came as an overall team. We got to really understand each other in terms of what we need to be able to function as a "well oiled machine." My group members knew that once I get stressed to just throw food at me or crack a joke so I can bounce back and focus on the task at hand. I look forward to hanging out together as a group even though IQP is over. Not only my IQP group members, but the people in the Boston IQP in general. We have all come to know each other, and bond over the IQP struggles we all have in common. If there is one thing I wish I could change about the IQP experience it would be to spend more time together as a whole group exploring Boston. I feel like we missed out on getting to see Boston and getting to really know the other groups. I would suggest to the Boston Project Center to reconsider having the students stay in Boston. After having the commuting experience, I would have gladly dished out the funds to stay in Bean Town. I think those 4 hours commuting could have been better spent exploring the city if we lived there.

To make sure we never forget all the amazing experiences we had, I want to include some pictures that captured us in the moment.
Lunch break at the WCPC

Late night shenanigans with the climate group!

Touring Boston!

Someone was a bit too tired for this train ride.

When we need a break, Alex draws whales...

After Presentations!

We were in Chinatown and Ray found this...

One last time seeing the Penguins!

Thank you for staying tuned!
 -Kady :)