Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weekly Team Reflections 10/4

The end of the week has come! What a relief, the weekend is finally here. This week our team began writing the results and recommendations chapters of our IQP report. It was very stressful at first because we had to reflect back on our methods chapter which was out dated and we had to revise this methods chapter first to be able to begin the results and recommendations chapters. We had to back track to what we did and how we got each result. Thankfully after sitting down and rethinking everything we did from the beginning of the term to now we were able to come up with a list of results and a list of recommendations for the future MQP group that will take over our project and the NEAq.

We also began working on our deliverable's for the NEAq. We compiled a list of criteria that is necessary for the development of a video game on right whales. Throughout the week we each wrote a narrative on right whales and integrated all the stories together to create one storyline. Our creative minds made the storyline unique and interesting to read. We presented our draft of our deliverable's to our sponsors at the NEAq who really enjoyed our storyline. Although this week has been very busy we are ready for the challenges we will need to overcome in the weeks to come. As a group we feel as though we can face anything that gets in our way. We feel very accomplished and can't wait for more adventures!


The Whales!